Carbon, Carbon, Carbon… A New Perspective on Carbon – From Emissions to Offsets

Sustainable Orillia’s purpose is to mobilize community members to take actions that will mitigate climate change, foster long-term sustainability and very importantly, reduce our overall carbon footprint. One of the ways an organization can do that is by presenting relevant information to the public. Presentations that bring concerned residents together in a forum to share factual information and experiences on climate change, its origins, consequences and mitigants. All in support of Orillia’s long-term goal – to be a Net-Zero community by 2050.

With this in mind, many readers will already be aware of the public workshops Sustainable Orillia recently hosted on Carbon – a comprehensive three-part overview of where and how carbon has impacted climate change and what we can do to reduce and offset our carbon emissions. From the macro – global challenges and initiatives – to the all-important local grass-root changes required – the series, ‘A New Perspective on Carbon – From Emissions to Offsets’ covered much of what can be done to stop and to reduce levels of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere and oceans.

The good news is – that this existential threat is still very reversible. IF we all come together, make it important and support the changes needed to ensure a sustainable future. The not-so-good news is that there are still, so many organizations, governments and individuals who are not yet paying attention to this looming crisis. If you are reading this… thank you for your interest and we know you are likely already a supporter and doing your bit. The challenge is how to mobilize others, before it’s too late. Please share any ideas or initiatives you may have on how we can do a better job of engaging more of our neighbours, co-workers, friends and family on this critical issue.

Back to the good news section – as close to thirty interested participants attended all three workshops. Led by Jackie Ramler and Stan Mathewson, the sessions were informative, providing participants with an opportunity to ask questions, discuss and share their own views on what and how we can reduce carbon emissions.

For those of you, unable to attend in person – the Workshops are being recorded and will be available on Sustainable Orillia’s YouTube channel soon – over the next month. The same presentation will also be available through the Barrie Library. Links to the presentation will be available in our next newsletter.

Many thanks to Jackie and Stan for the time, research and expertise (not to mention ‘commitment’) they put into this project. The feedback was positive and the building blocks are in place to offer more public workshops on specific aspects of climate change and emission reduction. So please, stay tuned and stay engaged with Sustainable Orillia for future events, workshops, urban walks and communications – all focused on taking us further along the Path to Net-Zero and a sustainable future for all.

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