Winter is for the Birds

Red cardinal sitting on a branch in winter

Winter can easily become a time of boredom and shuttering ourselves indoors, so it helps to be reminded there’s never been a better time to get outside to explore and […]

Go Outside and Play

Mother with her daughter, playing in the snow.

“To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake, it is necessary to stand out in the cold.” – Aristotle The COVID lockdown may have you feeling cooped up, but a cure […]

Lockdown Time Equals Learning Time

Brave New Arctic book cover

There aren’t many positive things one can say about the ongoing pandemic which restricted many of our everyday activities for almost a year now. That being said, COVID-19 has triggered […]

It’s Freezing. Time to Get Outdoors.

young man preparing to walk on snowshoes over winter background

February is Winter Active month here in Orillia. This presents a golden opportunity to improve our physical literacy, which means developing the motivation for, and understanding of, different types of […]

Greening your Clothes Closet

Man's closet. Hangers with shirts closeup. Male wardrobe

St. Patrick’s Day has come and gone, but the idea of ‘greening’ our clothing choices is a good year-round practice. Over the past decade, we have become increasingly aware of […]