The EVIP portal currently being developed by the Sustainable Orillia Energy and Infrastructure Sector Team, will be housed on the Sustainable Orillia website.
This portal will explain the similarities and differences between electric vehicles and vehicles powered by internal combustion engines (ICE). It will also present the social value benefits of purchasing an electric vehicle.
The portal will provide basic education on the purchase of an Electric Vehicle (EV) or a Plug-in-Hybrid Vehicle (PHEV) and provide some comparative costs and benefits, including charging considerations and options. Organized into four pages: About Elective Vehicles (EVs), Purchasing an EV, Cost Comparisons and Benefits and Testimonials. The site will cover all of the ‘need to know’ information needed by the consumer looking to make the transition to a cleaner, more environmentally friendly mode of transportation – including testimonials, demonstration videos and interconnectivity to other websites and social media platforms.
The Energy and Infrastructure Sector Team anticipate that this feature will be available, live on the Sustainable Orillia website, by late spring, 2021.