Sustainability Sectors

Harnessing the diverse interests of our community

Be a Part of the Change

We believe in a “big tent” approach in which all of the diverse interests of our community can find encouragement, tools, advice and  a place to enhance sustainability practices that mean the most to them.

We are a network of citizens dedicated to improving the wellness of our community through environmentally sustainable practices across seven critical sectors.​

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Featured News

Return of Orillia Urban Walks

– by Gord Ball for Sustainable Orillia Sustainable Orillia’s popular series of gentle walks around Orillia resumes this month on June 29th with the title of “Jane Jacobs’ Walkable City”

Featured News

Heat pumps in Orillia – revisited

In November 2023, Orillia Matters ran a story on local residents who had recently installed heat pumps in their home. (See Readers were promised a follow-up story in the