$75 for the successful submission
Sustainable Orillia (SO) is again inviting artistic submissions under its next seasonal theme of “Housing.” For many, the word will conjure up the recent election issue of “affordable housing,” but while that issue should correctly be top of mind for our elected representatives—leading to solutions, we hope—the climate crisis and the necessity to reduce emissions by reducing our energy use puts the issue of housing into a different and equally important context. Our focus over the final three months of 2021 will be on how homeowners and business owners can reduce energy use and thereby reduce carbon dioxide emissions caused by buildings. And they are substantial—28% of total emissions according to the World Green Building Council—39% if the construction processes are included.
It is expected that housing retrofits and other energy-reducing improvements will be among the targets/goals of the City of Orillia’s Climate Change Action Plan now being put together.
Sustainable Orillia recognizes and appreciates the power of art to reach people at an emotional level. Words, data charts, science and educational information have clearly not been enough to change attitudes and behaviours – to move people to action – in the diminishing time that remains to heal the ailing planet.
Our organization is seeking the portrayal of local artists’ understanding of the central role of housing—sustainable housing—to human life, whether through visual art, songs and/or stories. Submissions must connect the theme to the heart of the beholder/listener. A brief statement should accompany the submission, introducing the artist and addressing why and how s/he cares about the theme as represented by the submission. The successful submission will be displayed on any or all of SO’s various digital platforms, and will be submitted for publication to Orillia Matters, Orillia Sun Online and Orillia Today.
The artist submitting the chosen piece will receive an honorarium of $75. This artistic call-out will be repeated again for the first quarter of 2022, addressing a different sustainability-related theme.
Artists should email submissions by October 31, 2021 with photos or audio link to Anna Proctor at info@northsimcoe.life
Sustainable Orillia is a volunteer-driven, not-for-profit organization that aims to promote awareness and actions across our community that will contribute to a more sustainable way of life – for Orillia and for the planet. Its interests span several sectors of our community: Goods and Services, Energy, Infrastructure, Food, Nature, Health and Education.
For information: fredlarsen@bell.net