Let’s Talk Sustainable Agriculture Practices

Let’s Talk Sustainable Agriculture Practices on Saturday, September 11th and Tuesday, September 14th. Come learn about community gardens, local markets and regenerative agriculture practices at Sustainable Orillia’s information booth, […]
Tip of the Week: Urban forests improve the health of citizens

A recent Sustainable Orillia article on “Orillia’s Urban Forest” noted the efforts being made by Orillia’s Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC) and Councillor Lauer to preserve and expand the tree canopy […]
From COVID to Climate Change – An Interview with Dr. Charles Gardner, Medical Officer of Health for Simcoe-Muskoka

Dr. Charles Gardner, Medical Officer of Health (MOH) for Simcoe-Muskoka, spoke recently to Sustainable Orillia (SO) on the transition from facing the challenge of the pandemic to addressing the challenge […]
May 3rd – May 9th is Mental Health Awareness Week

This Week (May 3 – May 9) is Mental Health Awareness Week – by Rosanna Shillolo for Sustainable Orillia Spring is an ideal time to renew our relationship with nature, […]
Spring, 2021—a time for renewal!

It’s April. As the days warm and daylight lasts longer into the evening, as the snow melts and earth reappears, as tiny shoots push up from the ground into the […]
Happiness and Sustainability Go Hand-in-Hand…

“I have decided to be happy because it is good for my health.” (Voltaire) As greetings of Happy New Year fade into recent history – let’s take a moment to […]
Winter at Night

February is WinterActive month. It’s intended to encourage physical activity through play in the elements. Most outdoor activities typically embrace snow and colder temps during daylight hours, but what if […]
Go Outside and Play

“To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake, it is necessary to stand out in the cold.” – Aristotle The COVID lockdown may have you feeling cooped up, but a cure […]
It’s Freezing. Time to Get Outdoors.

February is Winter Active month here in Orillia. This presents a golden opportunity to improve our physical literacy, which means developing the motivation for, and understanding of, different types of […]