Tip of the Week: Notes from a backyard, Part 2

Tip of the Week: Notes from a backyard, Part 2 – Susan McIntosh, for Sustainable Orillia Last week I wrote about the loss of local habitat which is leading to […]
Call out for Artists

Artistic Call-out: $75 for the successful submission Sustainable Orillia (SO) is again inviting artistic submissions under its next seasonal theme of “Trees.” As trees come into their full glory, they […]
Tip of the Week: Notes from my Backyard, Part 1

By Susan Mctavish, for Sustainable Orillia It’s well-documented that there has been a massive decline in biodiversity over the last few decades. Fifty years ago I saw and heard large […]
Electrifying News! Sustainable Orillia Launches a portal dedicated to Electric Vehicles.

There’s no question about it . . . electric vehicles (EV’s) have gained momentum over the past five years. Virtually every automobile manufacturer now has at least one electric model […]
Meet Jessica – Sustainable Orillia’s New Intern

How does a young woman who grew up in Holland Landing near Newmarket, Ontario, begin working on sustainability in an Orillia organization? Ask Jessica Kearney. She did it. Jessica, a […]
Orillia’s Human Hummingbirds – Christine Hager

When Christine Hager sold her house, she moved into a rental complex that had a big bin at the back where residents put all their waste – recycling, compostables, paper, […]
Be a Hummingbird Hero

Orillia’s Hummingbird Heroes There’s an old story told in Africa about a hummingbird and a forest fire. Alone among the animals, the hummingbird carries water in its tiny beak to […]
Ten Top Actions for Manufacturing and Agriculture Teams

“Let’s not be too busy to save our world.” (BF Nagy, The Clean Energy Age, final sentence) One of the best books we’ve come across for ideas on how to […]
A winner declared in Sustainable Orillia’s first art contest

A winner declared in Sustainable Orillia’s first art contest. Mary Ann Tully, an Oro-Medonte artist, is the winner of Sustainable Orillia’s first art contest! The contest, introduced in March with […]
Three Generations of Shillolo Sustainable Champions

Sustainable Orillia Profiles: Directors Mike and Rosanna Shillolo . . . and Zoe Zoe (Zo-ee) Roe, at age 14, already has a history of environmental activism. Now a grade 8 […]