What’s Happening – Overview of Retrofit Activity across Orillia

Sustainable Orillia’s current focus is on ‘Reducing Emissions at Home’ or why and how we can make our existing homes more emission-free. Although directed mostly at home-owners, there are […]
An Update on Orillia’s Community Climate Change Action Plan

Did you know that there will actually be two plans as part of Orillia’s final Climate Change Action Plan? Most of you likely already know that both a ‘Corporate’ and […]
A winner declared in Sustainable Orillia’s third art contest

Orillia artist Dani Magder is the winner of Sustainable Orillia’s third art contest of 2021! The contest, introduced in September with a deadline of October 31st, asked local artists to […]
Building Construction is Changing with the Times

The Orillia-based Lowry Building Co. focuses on sustainable, environmentally-friendly building methods that emit fewer greenhouse gases than conventional construction. Owner Ben Lowry says he’s “mostly interested in energy use, passive-house-style […]
Lakehead University Calls for Climate Action

It’s no secret. Science demands a dramatic reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in each year of this decade if we are to avoid the worst of human-caused climate change. Lakehead […]
Reducing Housing Emissions: the Easy Steps

Let’s start with a simple truth. While it’s important for citizens of Orillia and elsewhere to reduce their personal emissions—sometimes referred to as their “carbon footprint”—the most important thing we […]
Reducing our Emissions at Home

Housing—Sustainable Orillia’s focus for the fourth quarter of 2021 Sustainable Orillia has determined that “housing” will be our theme for the 4th quarter of 2021 (October-November-December). Readers will find that […]
Ten reasons to have climate hope
A recent article in the David Suzuki Foundation’s newsletter, Finding Solutions (Summer, 2021), presented a positive message for its readers, one that Sustainable Orillia would like to pass on to […]
Sustainable Orillia thanks its Wonderful Volunteers

As the third annual Sustainable Orillia Month fades into recent history, what does not fade is the extraordinary passion and efforts of the many Sustainable Orillia volunteers who helped make […]
The ‘Little House’ – a Sustainable Journey

Hello there and welcome to my personal journal, chronicling some of the experiences and decisions during a major renovation to my ‘little house’ that sits patiently waiting for activity to […]