Want to take personal climate action? Consider your investment strategies.

Many people in our community are working hard to make their daily lives more sustainable and, in the process, to reduce their personal carbon footprints. Some reduce or eliminate meat […]
Artistic Call Out

$75 for the successful submission Sustainable Orillia (SO) is again inviting artistic submissions under its next seasonal theme of “Housing.” For many, the word will conjure up the recent election […]
Youth Organized Climate Strike this Friday

Friday, September 24th, 2021 is Fridays For Future’s Global Day of Climate Action – a day to come together, make our voices heard and ask our local governments to build […]
Sustainable Orillia Month 2021 Launched

Mayor Steve Clarke has declared September, 2021 as ‘Sustainable Orillia Month’—a month-long program of information, education and practical advice, organized by Sustainable Orillia and designed to engage our citizens and […]
Sustainable Orillia Webinars: Providing Pathways to a healthy future

We’ve recently added five informative webinars to our ‘Learning Section’ …it’s an opportunity to learn about Sustainable Investing, Living off the Grid, Financing a Retrofit for your Home and many […]
Election, 2021—Time to advocate for action on Climate Crisis

September 20, 2021 is shaping up to be a crucial date in Canadian history. The Report of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has just warned that time is […]
Sustainable Orillia Month Art Show

Sustainable Orillia month will include the first “Sustainable Orillia Art Show” consisting of artwork submitted to us in two art contests earlier this year. The two contests, oriented around the […]
Orillia Plans for its Climate Future!

Bob McDonald, Orillia native and host of CBC Radio’s Quirks and Quarks, will open Orillia’s Virtual Open House addressing its Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP). The plan will chart the […]
Let’s Talk Sustainable Agriculture Practices

Let’s Talk Sustainable Agriculture Practices on Saturday, September 11th and Tuesday, September 14th. Come learn about community gardens, local markets and regenerative agriculture practices at Sustainable Orillia’s information booth, […]
Taking Emissions out of Public Transit (Webinar)

Monday, Sept. 13, 2021, 6-7 pm Gideon Forman, Climate Change and Transportation Policy Analyst and renowned climate expert with the David Suzuki Foundation, will lead a live Sustainable Orillia webinar […]