Just a month left in Sustainable Orillia’s student art contest!

The deadline for Sustainable Orillia’s 2024 Student Art Contest—in Orillia area schools since early March—is coming soon. Submissions to the contest are to be picked up from local schools, both […]
Meet Sustainable Orillia’s Data & Project Coordinator – Jocelyn Trudell

Sustainable Orillia is pleased to introduce Jocelyn Trudell, our new Data and Project Coordinator. Jocelyn’s role as Data and Project Coordinator is central to Sustainable Orillia’s ability to work with […]
BOO! It’s International ‘Bat’ Week!

They’ve been called creepy, scary and spooky, but bats are an important species that impact our daily lives in ways we might not even realize. From pollinating our favorite fruits […]
To ‘BEE’ or not to ‘BEE’ … that is the question.

In response to some of the current concerns and conflicting views on natural gardens and the City’s commitment to honour its certification as a ‘Bee City’ … Sustainable Orillia has […]
It’s National Pollinator Week – June 19 – 25.

Hats off to the Township of Severn for highlighting the importance of our ‘pollinator’ partners in the attached proclamation – signed by Severn Mayor, Mike Burkett. Mayor Burkett will […]
Now’s the Time to Plan a Pollinator Garden

With all this warm weather recently, it may feel as thought we have transitioned straight from winter to summer… however April is famously fickle and it’s safe to assume that […]
Nature – hard to beat, and so available – by Carol Strickland, for Sustainable Orillia

As I returned from a walk in the forested parkette in my neighbourhood, I reflected once again how at peace I felt compared to when I set out, full of […]
How to have a Bird Friendly Garden (Part 4) Why we must act now! By Mike Jones, for Sustainable Orillia

This series of articles on how to make your garden “bird-friendly” has been in support of Sustainable Orillia’s and the Orillia Naturalists’ Club’s efforts to obtain a “Bird Friendly City” […]
It’s a new year and new opportunities abound!

Here in Orillia, we benefit from regular articles on written by David Hawke, one of our region’s most ardent and knowledgeable naturalists and photographers. In particular, his recent article in […]
How to create a bird-friendly garden (Part 3) – by Mike Jones for Sustainable Orillia

Sustainable Orillia’s most dedicated ‘birder,’ Mike Jones, shares more ideas on how to create a bird-friendly garden, part of our ongoing series in support of Orillia becoming a ‘Bird Friendly […]